
What I do.

Create experiences that transform brands, grow businesses and make people’s lives better.


From back end to front end ideas, I approach my projects with strategic and creative thinking.


I partner with my clients to create big ideas and translate them into innovative digital experiences.


From prototyping through front & back end engineering to quality testing, I use the latest technologies.

The process.


During the exploration stage, I dive into the clients’ business requirements and competitive landscape.



Once I have a clear strategy and I know what I want to achieve, it’s time to put on the designer hat and roll up my sleeves.



Following thorough quality assurance and the ok from the client the project is finally ready to be released.


The work.

  • All
  • Programming
  • Web Design
  • Cryptocurrency

About Me.

Meet the human behind the <M-code/> brand.

Marcos Costa

Software Engineer

I come from a professional sports background. I have been a climber for over 29 years and for the past few years I have been climbing the worlds most challenging mountains professionally. This journey has taken me all across the globe and pushed my boundaries on every front physically and mentally. I also had plenty of time to explore other interesting fields in life. Technology is one of the fields that mesmerizes me and got my attention over the years. A famous quote that always comes to mind is:

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic"
In 1962, science fiction writer Arthur C. Clarke wrote in his book “Profiles of the Future: An Inquiry into the Limits of the Possible” where he formulated his famous Three Laws, of which the third law is the best-known and most widely cited. This quote has stuck with me throught the years as I wondered what it would be like to produce "magic". Being a software engineer is a bit like that. On one side we create software on hundreds and sometimes thousands of lines of code and on the other end "magic" comes out!


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